NFGWS Source Protection Projects

Recognising the importance of catchment and source protection to the delivery of a safe and wholesome drinking water supply, the National Federation of Group Water Schemes (NFGWS) has been centrally involved, along with individual group water schemes in progressing several pilot projects and a mapping project aimed at preventing or reducing the contamination of raw water sources.  Below are links to an outline,  reports, conclusions and recommendations of each of these projects.

  1. The National Source Protection Pilot Project 2006-2010 (NSPPP)
  2. The On-site Wastewater Treatment Systems (OSWTS) Pilot Project - phase 1
  3. The On-site Wastewater Treatment Systems (OSWTS) Pilot Project - phase 2
  4. Zone of Contribution (ZOC) delineation Pilot Project (Cork & Limerick)
  5. Zone of Contribution (ZOC) delineation/catchment mapping Project (on all group water schemes)
  6. NFGWS Source Protection Pilot Project Phase 2

NFGWS Source Protection Projects Updates:

NFGWS Source Protection Pilot Project Phase II Final Report: