Rural Water Services Conference 2024

The National Federation of Group Water Schemes (NFGWS) is delighted to announce that the Rural Water Services Conference will take place this year on Thursday, 12 September in the Hodson Bay Hotel, Athlone, Co Roscommon.

This year's conference theme, 'Strategies for a Resilient Rural Water Sector’, focuses on the critical role group water schemes can play in rural water and river basin management planning. A range of experts will be discussing the review of the rural water sector and how it can reach its potential, the new Farming for Water EIP, and there will be a special session on learning from group water schemes regarding best practices in daily operations.

The full line-up of speakers is listed below.

The conference is once again being organised by the NFGWS, in association with the Local Authority Services National Training Group (LASNTG).

You can download a copy of the conference programme here; a booking form for GWS personnel is available to download here, while other attendees can download a booking form here. Directions to the Hodson Bay Hotel can be found on their website