Learning resources for schools

We have collated a series of content that can help teachers to educate the next generation about the science of water, why we need to work together to protect our supply, and the importance of biodiversity.

'All About Water' Workbook

All About Water is a hands-on and hugely interactive source – created by the NFGWS - that encourages school children to explore the fascinating world of freshwater habitats and to develop an understanding of all things 'wet and wild'.

You can find more about the workbook and download the course resource book for teachers here.

Roscommon & Newport, Co Mayo Project

As part of our “I’ve planted a tree and my garden is pesticide free” project in Co Roscommon, we produced information packs which have been specifically designed to help national school children learn about biodiversity and its role in protecting our water supply.

This pack has been sent to all of our participating schools in Roscommon but can also be downloaded below.

‘I’ve planted a tree and my garden is pesticide free’ programme outline
‘I’ve planted a tree and my garden is pesticide free’ info flyer
‘I’ve planted a tree and my garden is pesticide free’ certificate
‘I’ve planted a tree and my garden is pesticide free’ wheelie bin sticker

A similar pack for Mayo is also available below, along with a questionnaire on pesticide use.

‘I’ve planted a tree and my garden is pesticide free’ info flyer
‘I’ve planted a tree and my garden is pesticide free’ certificate
‘I’ve planted a tree and my garden is pesticide free’ wheelie bin sticker
‘I’ve planted a tree and my garden is pesticide free’ planting a tree guide
‘I’ve planted a tree and my garden is pesticide free’ questionnaire 

Physical copies of both the above info packs are also available for order. You can email protectourwater@nfgws.ie for more info.

An Fóram Uisce educational modules

An Fóram Uisce (The Water Forum) has put together school modules related to water the wider environment, which can be found here. Its most recent module, 'The global impacts of how we use water', is suitable for secondary school teaching and learning.  It will be particularly useful for teaching the new Leaving Cert Subject Climate Action and Sustainable Development or for Transition Year. The module comprises a resource book for teachers that includes 5 lesson plans, the supporting Power Point presentations and links to additional information.

There is also a student workbook. The module is designed so that students develop skills in critical thinking, debating, sharing information and communication. The module was developed by Maigue Rivers Trust with academics from Mary Immaculate College with the support of the Water Forum.

Module resources:

The global impacts of how we use water

Teachers Resource

Student Workbook

Gardening for Biodiversity Workbook


Educational videos

Below you will find a number of educational videos that can be used in a classroom setting. Some have been created by the NFGWS, but we have also included other documentaries and short videos that we think are ideal for helping pupils understand water and biodiversity, and why it’s essential that we all work together to look after our environment.

NFGWS videos

NFGWS Water Conservation – Rosney family

An Introduction to the Water Cycle

The Water Cycle - Further Video for 5th & 6th Class

Water & Skittles Experiment to Show the Solubility of Water

An Introduction to Biodiversity and Pollinators, and the Impacts of Pesticides on both

Encouraging Biodiversity & Pollinators into Your Garden

Other videos

10 Things To Know About: Water

Blooming Bees: The All-Ireland Pollinator Plan

An Fóram Uisce ‘Magic of Water’ Series

An Fóram Uisce | The Water Forum has put together a video series called ‘The Magic of Water.’ Comprising of four short videos, they can be found on Water Forum Ireland’s YouTube channel here.

An Fóram Uisce | The Water Forum's Water Matters at Home is another great video packed full of tips on how to value water at home.

National Geographic – Kids Learn Why Bees Are Awesome

You can watch 'Kids Learn Why Bees Are Awesome' here.

The Curious Tale of Chunk the Groundhog

Other educational resources

Put together by An Fóram Uisce and catchments.ie, this 'Water: Educational Resources and Inspirational Stories' document contains a whole host of water education programmes currently provided around the country. These programmes are also showcased on the catchments.ie website here.

As part of the All-Ireland Pollinator Plan, the National Biodiversity Data Centre have put together 10 lesson plans for all age groups in primary school to help them learn about the importance of pollinators.

StreamScapes has also put together a great educational course on salmon that explores the "wondrous and complex story of how our salmon, our rivers, our seas, and we ourselves are all bound
together within a web of ecosystems and a fragile wider biodiversity that we are all mutually dependent upon." You can find the Salmon Sanctuaries booklet here.


Follow the NFGWS on all our social media channels, where we'll be posting more learning resources in the future.